This should help people that care Enough to study more than just the Bible ! This is the true answers not shared! in Emmanuels Name!

To Start to confuse the word Giant is mistranslated! 
Just like in America Giant-> The governing powers are never to be BIGGER than the people- Men and Woman Of Renoun is in power-> The offspring of the Angels children of the angels and daughters of the Adam Gene called man!
Are Defined as the Greek gods before the flood.
They were taught how to use the Energy's of the Earth by the Angels!  Making them Giants in power over every thing!  The real giants and other creatures were created by the Goods to war and build for them.
These Energy's we refer to as magic today. 
In the teaching are  Rituals,, Praise on the days set to use the energies. Images, Idols, statues, alters, monuments, pictures,, writings, praise and praying in their names and so on.. and on their days,,that are set by them. 
To show why we are told not to by the proven Greatest of the God's, the Father in heaven.
Why he said he is a jealous God and not to worship or put above him any!  This of course is for his chosen 24 tribes
Not every one,, others like Egyptian had their own gods, 
Today 2.2 billion worship the same gods of Egypt that he said not to. Christianity
Created by Rome and The high priest Judaism! 
Constateen pushed Christianity he Even changed the Sabbath to his gods day Sol Invictus  the Sun sun day worship. SOL invictus day he changed to mass for christ Horus the son of Isis she rebirthed with the spirit of her husband making them the Trinity gods. IHS
His birthday Christmas  
It is through Saul Sol Paul's books they changed the worship from the Messiah to the Christ  two diffrent beings, one is chosen from heaven 
The other is anointed by powers if the earth. 
The changed the name From Emmanuel, God with us.. To Jesus savior.   Two diffrent beings!
The Anti-Messiah is who changed it to ANTI-CHRISt 

The men and woman of Renoun are the Gods that many statues were made to represent.  
And it wasn't that they just found the daughters attractive. 
When the Father created Adon his only Son in His own image. He planned on him being master of this Earth.
Started this new gene to give purpose And direction to the animals if his own kind!  We are all Animal's mammals!  That's what his name Adoñ ment.  Master. He was the beginning of a new gene line that was to name and give purpose and structure to already in existence humans males and females.
 Proven existed  millions of years before Adoñ,.  Loosing his name Adon when he lost mastership to the angel,, that today is still Father of the earth!  That Emmanuel 👉 out to be the creator oif his own lies in Joihn 8. 
Angel's along with evaluation helped create what we see, why we have gods or angels worshiped through the stars or planets they helped create,. They were the gods that were before Adoñ ,. That already proving Ethiopians worshiped. Is just one example.
 The angel, Adoñ  lost mastership to, is the sin let in.. 
He was and the others were upset because the Father in heaven was going to let his son run every thing that they helped create, 
The Angel Told the Father to give him direction and he would show he was not able to be master. 
Simple. Don't eat of this tree. 
He let his responsibility get tricked and then he followed, two good examples on why he could not be Master or Adoñ,. 
The sin let in is the Angel became the master or called Father of the earth in John 8. The angels called falling fell from the direction and instruction of the Father in heaven and took sides with the Father of the earth. Then decided like the Father heaven, to create there own Gene.
 The Gods we call them. And tge Gene that runs the world today 
They taught their off springs how to use the energies of the earth, so they could be dominate over all the rest, they used the energies through the images writings rituals idols praise and worship on their set times and days,
This is all the symbols and idols images we see today there blood line still use. 
The flood cane to destroy and start over. 
Then started back, with Noah.
 The  partial book of Noah that is in the back of the writings of Enoch,  you will find what the angels children looked like,
 very very pale with bright eyes. This shared with us so we can know what the angels blood line looks like!
His Father was going to kill the baby off when it was born, because he seen it was of the angels
 The reason for the flood,,. He asked his father to ask Enoch ,. Enoch let him know the child had purpose 
Then he said and in time the Messiah will have to come defined as chosen from heaven!
 This title has never changed.
 Christ is Horus. Not Emmanuel
The Messiah came because the angels blood line had grown so great it dominated before Zero. 
 And all the way to the house of Israels high priest. And the Schoolers that wrote our history and education system.  The Romans already worshiped these gods and we're the blood line of the angels!
The Messiah came and closed the temple took the high priest place made us our own temple. Became our sin oiffering,offering, give us the spirit of truth,, clliosed the temple to power from the priest when the vail ripped !
A few hundred years later constateen took worship of there gods and made it Christianity and pushed it. 
Christianity is since the ten commands. Followers of the Christ. Horus then his mother ISIS mother of God who through Saul)Sol the sun brought her husband back in spirit that filled her Son Horus. This is the Trinity. IHS. The foundation of Lucifer's church. The Vatican the Romans created with the high priest that made the selfs up. Look at the temple of the high priest,. Notice the star that fell from the heavens. Then became the day morning star. Sol-Invictus Lucifer the sun. The Father of the Earth and of the gods and children of his blood line. 
Notice the falling star head of Jewish temple then became the sun you see as the main head of Lucifer's church.
 The Roman Catholic and Christianity church. The sun with IHS in the middle. 
 It was constateen that changed the Father in heavens day ->the Sabbath Saturday. To the Father of Earth's day Sun. Day. That is Lucifer's day!
Constateen also changed sol-Invictus Day to mass for Christ. Horus's Birthday along with the suns. Just to help. The Father heaven has no church Temple on Israels side, but does on Hagar's side. Any one can get the blessings that were to be only for The Father's 24 chosen tribes. Through Emmanuel and his direction
 Saul/ Paul is the false profit and 14 books not witnessed written a few hundred years later to incorporate Lucifer's already in existence worship of Horus and the gods of the earth. Christianity followers of Christ ehoi is Horus and his mother ISIS is mother of him god!
This is Fact. If you looked at all of it.
 You can put evolution creation the angels and the supreme of the earth and the blood line that falls under the crown that represents Lucifer or Sol. Together 
The crucifix represents the dead.
 That will rise up. IHS.
 The Rites illuminati and more exspecially Pope Bishop's priest of the Roman Catholic and Christianity are all of The blood line of the angels! You choose to praise in his church on his day you let him decide your destiny.
 Really it is already traded.
 The blessing only a few get is traded to the dead of the angels of the earth. 2.2 billion Christian's.
 How ever many are not of the father of the earth there blessing goes to his in the end. That is the deal. 
We are judged by what we do now, who we worship and praise and in the days we are told not to
 The images we hold as sacred and idols and rituals. Christmas's and Easter are Lucifer's family's birthdays. Celebrations. Mardi gras is Lucifer's. 
The trickery every one is happy about is the blessing of the one they played and got to his party. They will get I. The end.. 
He told us. Emmanuel said the ten commands are more today than when written. In his time. 
This  blood line is the chaff that chokes out the yield. 
More of the angels blood line than of the father in heaven now.  You have toi know who you are worshiping. 
We will see very soon. But every one has a chance to change.
 Like the pickers that came at the last minute, got paid the same as the ones that worked all day. 
 As long as one doesn't die before getting it right. 
 After death their is no correcting it.  
What I just wrote is teaching the Father in heavens word or it means instruction
Like all the preachers and people that even give an opinion, that are wrong.
 If I am giving you any thing other than the truth  it is blasphemy and unforgivable. 
I am sharing this toi get my blessing. Not loose it. 
Better check me. 
Because this is correct. 
In Emmanuel's name I pray Every one that reads this gets the understanding they need to get their blessing and love from the Father. 
George Jarrell


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