
Showing posts from May 22, 2022

who Christianity really worships. the Truth. IHS the foundation Christianity is built on.

This is Christianity,. Roman Catholic and worship of their gods Sol-Invictus Lucifer the day morning star that fell from heaven.  Look up the sun dial. Notice constateen who had a husband. Also. Made it against the law to worship on the Father in heavens day. The Sabbath,, Saturday the 7Th to the end of time.  Rome constateen the Vatican and Christianity the high priest Jewish changed to worship on Lucifer's day. Sun day. Sol/Saul Sun!   they also changed the Sol-Invictus Day to mass for Christ day.  Or Christmas, that was against the law in America in the 1800.  Because it's a pagen or Roman/Greek Hellenist holiday. Just like Easter  The Christ is Horus, son of ISIS mother of God. And then Sol. Christianity is founded on. IHS The Trinity that was made up in sauls writings. Is if then three.  The crucifix represents the blessing we lose going to the dead. That the Vatican city is built over.  The other cing city country built over the dead And gate way to Jesus's or hi