
Showing posts from June 12, 2022

I'm trying real hard to figure out a way to explain this!

Rome didn't crumble, they just created what would be the largest religion in the world!  Along with all the cartels and bankers then world corporations, and getting payed from all  World corporations world banks world religions  World cartels. The Boss is the Pope! Creating wars to kill of the honorable on both sides That is the ANTI-MESSIAH job! And are today in control of all of them.   along with the high priest that Emmanuel fired when he closed the temple, Rome the high priest and the Ritz created the Vatican Along with a Vatican came the new religions many of them Christianity meaning followers of Christ the Christ is actually Horus who is the son of a ISIS making her mother of God! The foundation of Christianity is IHS! For thousands of years people have tried to figure out what IHS means or stands for! Today I'll answer the question for you. I stands for the mother of God, ISIS! The H stands for Horus who is the Christ and who mass for Christ is a birthday party for or