Why the high priest were tying a rope to there leg when they went into the Holly place to be the Mediatore to the father.

The rope tied to the priest leg,  was for after the high priest had become more of their Father of the earth. 
Because they knew they were not doing every thing the way they were supposed to.
Why the Messiah took their place and closed the temple. 
After he died and the temple was destroyed by Rome. 
The high priest and Rome created the Vatican built over Sheol the gate way to the dead. 
Then created the religions. 
Their was never jew Judaism. There was not a J. It was house of Israel 12. Not one. Followers of the Christ.
  Horus is the Christ. 
Emmanuel is the Messiah. 
Horus was brought back to life by his mother ISIS making her mother of God. Then Saul the false profit. No witness to 14 of so called his books. But in his books are what is needed to incorporate the Trinity IHS with the father in heaven. In his books they decide the father and his son are liers. And say it was really the father's spirit in the son. 
That's the story of Horus, ISIS s husband's spirit went to the sun, Sol Saul the fallen star day morning star. Lucifer. She brought her son back to life. Then said it was her husbands spirit in him making them one , but brought them back making her mother of God and then the Trinity. 3 in 1. IHS. The foundation for Christianity, that was Mytherisam and sun worship sol-Invictus day was changed by constateen to mass for Christ. Horus that became Christmas Constantine made it against the law to worship on the Sabbath/ Saturday. Made Sol Invictus day. Sun day. The day of worship for the religion Rome created. 
The children of the angels blood line had grown so great at zero the high priest were more of the angels of the earth than the father in heaven. They dominated before Zero. Why the Messiah chosen from heaven had to come, make us our own temple. Became our sin offering , give us the spirit of truth. Became the high priest and Mediatore and made it possible to be forgiven as long as we prayed through him in his name. Emmanuel, and became meek again and trust in the spirit of truth. 
Meek as a child again. 
Reborn in the spirit. 
That is the answers. 


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