
Why blame The Father in heaven?

JARRELL GEORGE  · Just now Do I blame the Father in heaven, no I know lucifer is shooting at me because I am one of the few that will ride all the way with the Father.  I feel like job some times. And it hurts, but I wrote this while soaking my feet.  For You! I'll help,  Adam lost mastership to the angel that brought down its friends , the angel that won we call lucifer His and his sons rebirth day is sol-invictus day. Dec 25 0000. The angels run this world, they are the gods. Most religions worship these gods and think they worship the Father in heaven. This is because at zero The anti-Messiah came. Started fooling the world before Emmanuel give his blood as our sin sacrifice, he made us our own temple, because he closed the only one his Father had. He became the mediatore, sits beside his Father just like he was put to death for saying. When his flesh died he give us the spirit of truth, so we don't have to ask the evil preachers and teachers.  We ...